Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Let the travel begin!!!

So we're off. Technically back for two weeks in December but this really marks the beginning of almost four months on the road. Sitting in the Red Carpet Club at Dulles enjoying a fine beer and pondering the two weeks ahead in Argentina. We've been so busy that except for our hotels and one in country flight I have NO idea what we're going to do there. That's where the fun is. Too much planning is no good. So we'll keep you posted and include some pics. Perhaps you have suggestions? Now there's a great idea. How about you tell us somewhere to go and we'll check it out and post some pics. Love that. You asked for it! Ok, back to my "free" draft beer. Still can't figure how we got from free to $17.50. Hmmmmmm.....maybe we should keep track of all the "free" stuff we get on this trip. So research, research, research. what do you want to see in Argentina??


  1. Bragabonds is at the top of my bookmarks list!

  2. Are you on a plane or a boat? Oh, I forgot. I only walk through first class, never having seen it up close.

  3. Recoleta Cemetery please. Looks like a good place for pictures.
