Monday, May 1, 2017

Butoh-kan Performance in Kyoto

8 person capacity in the theater. 10x13 room including the sound guy and a set of stairs. You sit on the tatami with the dancer. Unforgettable.


  1. Loving these photos but can't wait to hear the descriptions when you get home. It would probably take hours to write it all out. Is the dancer male or female?

  2. The dancer was female. I actually had a fairly detailed description of what this dance style is all about, but it didn't save and you're right - it takes too much time! But, google it or watch on youtube. It's very strange. You might not like it at all. It emerged in post-war Japan as sort of a backlash to how westernized dancing styles had become. So this is sort of purposefully grotesque. In the middle of the performance, the dancer just started screaming with her mouth wide open, revealing black teeth (fake) - weird. The dance movements are very slow and controlled, requiring unbelievable strength. It was pretty impressive to watch, especially when you were just a few feet away.
