Thursday, December 29, 2016

Hiking Around Stony Batter

Stony Batter is an area on the far eastern side of the island.  About 50 acres scattered with unusual and huge boulders resulting from volcanic activity, it was also the site of a WWII defense position in the Harauki gulf. There were three large gun emplacements which had  range of about 30km, and a network of tunnels.  The guns were never used but the site is well preserved and you can wander around the pits. 

But the best reason to go to Stony Batter is to hike.  It's all grass and paths with sheep grazing everywhere and yet more unbeatable views.  It's a long walk downhill to the beach then really long one back.

At the end of the path, there is a harbor beach -- completely deserted, as the only way to get there is walk an hour downhill (then back up) -- or come in by boat.  The land around it is privately owned, but they allow access. For years, the landowner disputed any right of way across his land because apparently people were stealing his stock, occasionally barbecuing right onsite.

Eva, this one's for you.  I call it "a leap with sheep". 


  1. That's a good jump!
    This place looks like heaven to me.

    1. It is pretty heavenly! The whole island is, really. Honestly, everywhere you turn you are assaulted by ridiculous views. If you look at the shape of the island on a map you'll see why. And it's
