Saturday, December 10, 2016

Trip Kickoff in Vancouver BC

Rainy, slushy, cold -- and what more perfect conditions could there be for lunch at the best ramen joint outside of Tokyo? Hokkaido Ramen Santouka. Delicious. Now back at the Four Seasons for a brief snooze in style, courtesy of the Oracle rate. Thanks to David for setting it up :). Then perhaps our favorite Blue Water Cafe for a late dinner ...

The next day before our flight, we met Steve and Ginger Olsen at West in Vancouver.  Great meal.  John and Steve went to kindergarten together so they've known each other for about 60 years!


  1. Vancouver Four Seasons is awesome. Love the indoor/outdoor pool area.

    1. The workout facility was great. The pool was overwhelmed with kids so we didn't get it in, but it looked great. All in all a great location!
