Saturday, December 24, 2016

Hiking Around Waiheke

This island has many many miles of great hiking tracks, so you can do anything from an easy amble to a strenuous workout. In any case, you have great views around every corner.  And you never know what you'll run into ... like a hedgehog ...

Or some random sculpture in the middle of nowhere ...


We chose a path today Matiatia-Owhanake-Oneroa, one of the nicest walks. Despite advice (from the house owner "Don't bring Granny", signs posted along the trail "EXPERIENCED TRAMPERS ONLY" and even warnings "The last 100M of the trail are not passable within 3 hours of high tide") we somehow forged ahead. Even though we had no idea what time high tide was. It was a very tough climb up and down and all around the tops of steep cliffs.  

There were stunning views in every direction, but as we tried to make our way back to Matiatia we ended up having to scramble around rock outcroppings at the ocean, climb through Pohutukawa trees perched at the edge of the water, then grab onto grasses and pricker bushes to get around a steep hill at high tide.  Let's just say the path was not well worn. 

Note to self:  know the tides.