Monday, December 19, 2016

Tane Mahuta

The Lord of the Forest. This is the largest living Kauri tree in New Zealand. Smaller than the Giant Sequoias but huge, with a canopy over 100 feet wide and trunk diameter over 45 feet. Somewhere between 1,500 and 2,500 years old. Sacred to the Maori and important to all Kiwis. Most of the Northern Island used to be covered by Kauris but now they are pretty much limited to the Waipoua forest reserve. Driving through here and passing them on the road was pretty incredible, including one point where the road was reduced to one lane to squeeze between two of these trees. This one is about a 10 minute walk from the road. In fact they moved the main road about 10 years ago just to protect this tree. Note Elizabeth in her bright yellow jacket for relative size.


  1. Did Betty choose her clothing so that she could completely blend in with the plants? I mean, it's almost impossible to notice her down there!

  2. Becoming one with nature... I'm not too sure if John didn't point you out EW, that I would've even seen you down there since you blend in so well. Lol

  3. I know! And I was wearing a fluorescent yellow jacket that day. The vegetation on the island is really something. After we left Tane Mahuta we drove through the rest of the forest for about 18 km and it was just fantastic to see.
