Saturday, January 22, 2011

Final thoughts on Turkey

After a little time to reflect we both agree that Turkey was a great place and we would definitely return. But this is a summer place. It's so closely tied to the water that warm weather is required to see Istanbul at it's best. This is a city with an amazing history. Really the most important city in the world for centuries. Capital of the Byzantine and Roman Empires and at the center of the silk and spice routes. So there is a lot of history to see but also a lot of great restaurants, cafes and bars, many with spectacular water views. Turks seem to love to be outside to eat, even when it's only 45 degrees, so in summer these places must be swarmed. A lot has been written in the last few years about Turkey's turn to the right politically and about the increasing influence of Islam on the government. Turkey has been a secular state since 1935 and Istanbul clearly enjoys it's weatern influences, including more than a nodding acquaintance with alcohol, western dress and so on. Considering Turkey is 97% muslim we looked at Istanbul and thought how hard it would be to put the genie back in the bottle so to speak. It's especially hard to envision younger Turkish women embracing some of the more conservative practices. But Islam is a big part of Turkey, a fact you are reminded of several times a day when the call to prayer is heard from the hundreds of mosques throughout the city. Turks are unfailingly polite, friendly, helpful and eager to speak and practice their English. It is expensive but no more than big western cities. So for something a little more exotic, try a summer visit to Istanbul and leave time to explore more far flung areas as well, something we didn't do. Turkey has been a popular beach destination for the Brits for years. Anyway, two thumbs up for Istanbul.

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