Thursday, April 6, 2017

Our First Real Washing Machine Since Sydney

In Taiwan. Yes, that's about 2 months. During that time, we have either been hand washing in large bathtubs and drying on our balconies, or sending laundry out through the hotels (a few few offered several pieces per day at no charge, a few others in Vietnam and Cambodia were very inexpensive). It's one of those things I just can't stand to pay for. And this machine wasn't in our room but actually next to the gym on the rooftop.

And yes, we figured out how to use it. It was one of those all in one machines that both washes and dries. Did a great job. We are fully reloaded on really clean clothes! Hate to say it but for most articles of clothing, the machine simply does a better job washing than humans. Perhaps because we can only swoosh and stomp it for so long where as a machine will keep at it for 45 minutes. Whatever the case, glad to have cleaner clothes.


  1. Who would've thought you needed to pack a big flat rock in your carry-on!

    1. You know I marvel at how people get things clean beating them on thes a rock. I really do. I have beaten the clothes on the sides of a tub, a sink, etc. And you should see my spin dry dance before the rinse cycle, plus my final spin dry dance outside where possible. And yet ... our clothes were looking pretty raggedy until we got them back into a proper washing machine!
