Friday, January 28, 2011

Bangkok big business

No surprise here. Some men are in Bangkok on business with a side of pleasure but many actually are here strictly as part of the gigantic sexual tourism trade. You can be in a 5 star hotel and have working girls walking through the lobby on the arm of a customer. They don't hang out in the lobbies looking for business but it is big business so you see it everywhere. And yes, you'll recognize this shot as it is our very own pool at the hotel/apartment. We hadn't seen this before but I guess it's a Friday afternoon . . . (she was accompanying an older gentleman to lunch by the pool) but she became bored (or disgusted) as he chatted on his phone while shoveling french fries into his mouth, so she had to step aside and text. It can be very gross to catch this scene. A few times a day John will tell you I exclaim "poor thing".


  1. Thailand lives up to it's rep..? Do you see many very young girls? Or is that part of the trade hidden? It is very sad.

  2. Excuse me Mel? How is it you know about, "...lives up to it's rep.."?

  3. That's a man baby! I see an adam's apple!
