Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Somebody call the Imam

Turkey is 97% Muslim and yet there is no lack of alcohol, anywhere outside of a mosque. This is a Christmas tree about 15 feet high made of Carlsberg beer bottles (there were 2 other trees of Absolut and wine bottles). And it's not just the tourists tossing back the cocktails. This shot is from a place called 360, a velvet-rope-type of bar restaurant on top of the Misir Apartments on Itstaklal Cadessi near Taksim square. We were lucky to be cool enough to pass the metal detector with bouncer at the entrance, because the views of the Istanbul skyline were spectacular. It is a beautiful city.


  1. Wow. Betty was that taken with your new D90? What lenses, what aperture, shutter speed.....or was it just too many vodkas?

  2. It was taken with her iPhone. Pretty good though.
